Brian Gould, Ph.D.

Brian Gould is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and University of Wisconsin Extension at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He teaches graduate-level statistics and undergraduate Managerial/Applied Economics courses. Dr. Gould received his Ph.D. from the Department of Agricultural Economics at Cornell University in 1983. His areas of research expertise include dairy marketing, dairy price risk management and U.S. dairy policy. He has worked extensively with the Wisconsin and U.S. dairy industries since 1988. He has received numerous teaching and extension-related awards over his career and previously was associate editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Recently he has received support from USDA (RMA and FSA) to undertake research and outreach related to the use of USDA's new Margin Protection Program for Dairy as well as the Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy insurance program.

Mailing Address:

Brian Gould

421 Taylor Hall
427 Lorch St
Madison WI 53706

Phone Number:

(608) 263-3212
