MPP Meeting Announcements in Your State

Many MPP-Dairy meetings are being planned around the country. Below you can find announcements for meetings in your state. If you would like to have an announcement posted, please send a PDF document as an attachment with the words "Please Post MPP Meeting Announcement" in the subject line.


September 15 Producer meeting
September 30 Producer meeting
November 6 Producer meeting
November 10 Producer meeting


7 Meetings in the state


5 Dairy specific meetings around the state, 12 more general Farm Bill meetings


11 Producer meetings around the state


9 Producer meetings around the state


1 online and 6 Extension meetings around the state

New Hampshire

5 Extension meetings around the state

North Dakota

2 Extension meetings in the state

New York

3 Extension meetings on line


2 ODPA Fall Meetings
6 Extension meetings around the state


35 Extension meetings around the state
10 meetings around the state hosted by AgChoice Farm Credit

Center for Dairy Excellence, Summerdale, PA

Puerto Rico

October 30 Producer Meeting
November 13 Producer Meeting
November 18 Producer Meeting


20 Extension meetings around the state