From Chicago to Auckland—How Should Dairy Prices Be Discovered?

May 13 & 14, 2013, Boston


This is the 20th Annual National Workshop for Dairy Economists and Policy Analysts. You should register for the workshop through the buttons below. The registration fee for the program is $375. You can register for the program no later than May 7th. The hotel for the workshop is the Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers, 50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston, MA. You can reserve a room online with the button below (group code UWM) or by calling the hotel at (800) 225-2008. Please identify yourself with the "Dairy Markets and Policy Workshop" for the negotiated room rate of $219 per night. The room block at this group rate will only be held through April 12th.

Slides Monday, May 13, 2013
7:00 Registration and Breakfast--Provided
8:00 Welcome & Introduction--Andrew Novakovic
8:10 Session I: Update on Dairy Markets and Policy
• Dairy Farm Status and Outlook--Jim Putnam, Farm Credit East
• Dairy Market Status and Outlook--Brian Rice, Rice Dairy
• Policy Status Outlook--Scott Brown, PhD, University of Missouri
10:15 Break
10:30 Session II: International Markets and Policy
• Developments and Status of South American Dairy Markets--Kennya Siqueira, PhD Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
• Developments and Status of European Dairy Markets--Veronique Pilet, National Center for Interprofessional Dairy Industries, Paris, France
• Worldwide Status of Dairy Farming--Torsten Hemme, PhD, International Farm Comparison Network, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
12:00 Lunch--Provided
1:30 Session III: Output and Input Price Volatility Revenue Risk, and Risk Management
• An Update on Evidence for Cyclical Behavior in Milk Prices--Charles Nicholson, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
• Dairy Sector Risk and Risk Management in Europe--Declan O'Connor, PhD, Institute of Technology, Ireland
• Economic Analysis of Proposed Dairy Policy Reforms--John Newton, The Ohio State University, and Marin Bozic, PhD, University of Minnesota
3:00 Break
3:30 Session IV: Price Discovery in U.S. Markets
• The Relationship Between U.S. and International Prices for Dairy Commodities--Corinne Sierzant, USDA AMS Dairy Programs
• The Use of and Need for Price Discovery in Cheese Markets--Mike Brown, Glanbia Foods
• Alternative Models for Price Discovery in Nonfat Dry Milk Markets--Craig Alexander, Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc.
• Economic Formula for Farm Milk Price Discovery--Mark Stephenson, PhD, University of Wisconsin
5:00 Adjourn
5:30 Reception and Hosted Bar
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
7:00 Breakfast--Provided
8:00 Welcome
8:10 Session V: Perspectives from the Real World—International Panel
• Veronique Pilet, Declan O'Connor, Kennya Siqueira
9:30 Session VI: Perspectives from the Real World—U.S. Dairy Processor Panel
• Rob Blaufus (Dean Foods), William Schiek (Dairy Institute of California), Mike John (Maryland-Virginia), Allison Specht (Leprino), Mike McCully (McCully Group)
10:45 Break
11:00 Session VII: Perspectives from the Real World—U.S. Dairy Farmer Panel
• Neil Rejman, Doug Young, Ed Maltby, Darin Von Ruden
12:15 Closing Comments and Adjourn