Pubs & Podcasts --> Outlook --> September, 2015

Let's focus on butter! Mark Stephenson and Bob Cropp discuss butter sales, milk production, exports and their impacts on dairy markets and margin prospects. The video is about 12-1/2 minutes long.

The video should stream in most browser versions greater than and including: Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3, Internet Explorer 9, Safari 3, Opera 10.5, and IOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.) devices.


 We've been asked to provide links to the graphs used in the podcast. Please find links below to each of the images.
Percent Change in Milk Production
Map of Percent Change in State Milk Production
Milk per Cow per Day
California & Wisconsin Milk per Cow per Day
Time Magazine Cover
Butter Production
Butter Stocks
Exports as a Percent of Milk Production
CME Spot Cheddar Prices
CME Spot NFDM Prices
CME Class III & IV Milk Futures
MPP Margin Forecast