Pubs & Podcasts --> Outlook --> November, 2017

There is much to be thankful for as we approach the holiday, but milk prices are not one of those things. The burden of milk production in the U.S. and in the major milk producing regions of the world is just too much to support. Mark and Bob expect prices to decline on through the remainder of the year before rebounding after first quarter in 2018. The video is about 10-1/2 minutes long.

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 We've been asked to provide links to the graphs used in the podcast. Please find links below to each of the images.
U.S. Milk Production
U.S. Number of Cows
Milk per Cow per Day
Percent Change in Milk Production of Major Exporters
Milk Powder Exports
International Butter Prices
Whey Stocks
International Whey Prices
U.S. and EU SMP Stocks
Class III & IV Futures Prices
Price Forecasts
MPP Forecast