Pubs & Podcasts --> Outlook --> January, 2019

34 days and of the government remain on shutdown and we don't have a Milk Production report. But that doesn't stop Mark and Bob from discussing the current state of dairy markets. We're still forecasting gradual improvement in milk prices through 2019 but there may be a brighter light by the time we get toward the end of the year.

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 We've been asked to provide links to the graphs used in the podcast. Please find links below to each of the images.

CME Spot Cheddar

CME Spot Whey
CME Spot Butter
CME Spot Nonfat Dry Milk
January Futures Over Time
October Exports
Wisconsin Farm Attrition Rates
U.S. All Milk Price
Class III & IV Futures
EU Intervention Stocks of SMP
Global Dairy Trade Index
World Milk Production
U.S. Number of Dairy Cows
Historic Dairy Margin Coverage Payments at $9.50