Pubs & Podcasts --> Outlook --> July, 2019

Milk production is down...again. Mark and Bob discuss the phenomon known as "the Green Flash" that occurs when the sun sets and light bends over the horizon allowing you to see for a brief moment around a corner. They are looking into the trajectory of milk prices all the way into 2020. The 14 minute video is below.

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 We've been asked to provide links to the graphs used in the podcast. Please find links below to each of the images.

Percent Change in U.S. Milk Production

U.S. Dairy Cow Numbers
Cumulative Map of the Change in U.S. Milk Production
U.S. Butter Stocks
U.S. Cheese Stocks
U.S. Exports
Destination of U.S. Exports
EU - Canada dispute
CME Futures Market Prices
CME Spot Butter Prices
CME Spot Cheddar Prices
CME Spot Whey Prices
Mark's Long-Term Price Forecast
Dairy Margin Coverage Forecast